Linda Relyea
Stephanie Coello earns her master’s degree from Adams State
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Stephanie Coello, Colorado Springs, Colo., earned her Master of Arts in school counselor education from Adams State University on May 13, 2023. The Graduate Commencement Ceremony awarded 449 degrees including 351 MA degrees; 41 MS; 46 MBA; and 11 doctorate degrees.
Coello knew from the moment she entered fifth grade she would be a school counselor. “I have always been outspoken about my experience as a minority student that moved back to the U.S. after living in Ecuador for many years. The culture shock was traumatic, and those core memories revolved around my experience in schools in the Midwest. I spoke English and was the top reader in my class so even though there was no language barrier, my school experiences shaped me indefinitely.”
Coello felt isolated as she struggled through elementary and middle school. She didn’t connect with teachers and doesn’t remember a school counselor. Those challenges sparked her desire to entering the counseling profession. “I wanted to become a school counselor and be the person I needed when I was a kid. I felt unheard and invisible. I slipped through the cracks until high school when I finally made connections with others. I was a straight-A student after that.”
She and her husband met and started a family early, putting Coello’s educational goals on hold. After earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology, she enrolled at Adams State after hearing positive reviews from a fellow graduate.
“The professors at Adams State University have been incredibly supportive,” Coello said. “Their feedback and resources guided me and I feel completely prepared to take on the role of a professional school counselor.”
Coello’s family was incredibly supportive, especially her husband. He works full-time and took over full-time care for the kids while she interned or studied. “It’s not easy taking care of five kids and he happily did it. Even in moments when I felt like I really needed to take a break to help him, he encouraged me to continue with my studies. I wouldn’t have been able to graduate without his unwavering love and support.”
Coello will start her position as a counselor at a local high school in the fall of 2023.
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Stephanie Coello and her husband brought the whole family to Alamosa, Colo., during her Adams State University Counselor Education intensives. Pictured, the family visits the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.