Linda Relyea
Cervantes graduates with honors from Adams State University
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Niamiah Cervantes from Albuquerque, N.M., graduated Cum Laude from Adams State University, Alamosa, Colo., during the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2023. Cervantes earned a Bachelor of Science in kinesiology: exercise science. Adams State awarded 265 degrees.
“I am very pleased that I chose Adams State. The small class sizes made it easy to communicate with my professors, as well as ask questions and have discussions with classmates.”
The kinesiology professors were understanding when Cervantes missed class due to illness or traveling for soccer. “My advisor always made sure that I was on track to graduate on schedule and recommended classes to ensure I succeeded. They were always quick to answer emails and were happy to answer questions.”
Cervantes will apply for occupational therapy school this fall. She received scholarships and held a work-study position in the Nielsen Library. Cervantes graduated in four years and played for the women’s soccer team her entire academic career. She does not have much student debt due to scholarships and paying tuition with summer job money.
“I would say that my confidence in public speaking and quality of work grew. I feel more comfortable giving presentations and I do not second guess myself when doing assignments or answering questions in class. I also think that my attitude towards studying and doing assignments shifted. I grew to understand that these things are important in order to retain knowledge and learn new skills.”
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Niamiah Cervantes received her bachelor’s degree from Adams State University, Colo., this spring.