Rob Goode
Assistant Marketing Director
888-777-8881 ext. 714

AMES, Iowa (August 29, 2024) – The Iowa Games have awarded the 2024 Marty McHone Iowa Games Male and Female Athlete of the Year Awards to Joe Soderberg and Ryleigh Wilken. They will receive their awards at the Iowa Sports Foundation Recognition Reception in Des Moines on Tuesday, September 17.

Joe Soderberg, 44, from Hampton, Iowa, has been playing billiards since he was 8 years old, climbing on the table and throwing balls around. He stuck with the sport, and has loved it ever since.

Joe was raised on enjoying singles, and excels there, but because he feels the scotch doubles event at the Iowa Games is a good cause, he participates in that format as well. With two State Games of America Gold medals (Nebraska 2015, and Iowa 2022), Soderberg has shown excellence on the table.

Joe’s favorite memory in billiards was winning state in 2017, at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines. He feels he plays the best when he’s relaxed and happy. As long as he isn’t too serious or frustrated, he feels he performs well. A piece of advice Joe would give to other Iowa Games Athletes is “Never give up and keep trying to do your best every time”. Congratulations, Joe!

Ryleigh Wilken, 16, from Oskaloosa, Iowa, is a budding star in the Iowa track and field scene. At the 2024 Summer Iowa Games, Ryleigh won gold in the 200m and the long jump. In 2023, she won gold in the high jump and has medaled in other events such as the 100m hurdles and the 400m.

She began with track and field in 6th grade, joining because she enjoyed running, and liked her team. She feels she’s the best at the high jump and enjoys that event the most. Her favorite memory in competition was the 2024 Drake Relays, as it was her first experience with athletes at such a high level.

Nominations for Ryleigh called her “a hard worker that always does the right thing”, and “a natural leader while always encouraging others.” Another said “She is a great role model for the younger kids in her track club.” Ryleigh is a place winner at state, a USATF All-American, along with several other accomplishments. On top of it all, she maintains a 4.0 GPA.

When asked what advice she would give to other Iowa Games athletes, she said “Be true to yourself and stick with it. There are ups and downs that come with track. The downs can feel like they last forever, but it’s so worth it when you stick with it.” Congratulations Ryleigh!

In 2003, the award was named the Marty McHone Athlete of the Year in honor of McHone, who passed away of cancer in 2002. Both recipients of the award will be honored as the official torch bearers at the 2025 Summer Iowa Games Opening Ceremony.

To learn more about the Iowa Games, visit


About the Iowa Games
The mission of the Iowa Games is to provide sports and recreation opportunities for all Iowans through Olympic-style festivals, events and programs. The Iowa Games is a program of the Iowa Sports Foundation.

About the Iowa Sports Foundation
The Iowa Sports Foundation (ISF) was founded in 1986 as a 501(c)3 non-profit entity with the mission to provide sports, recreation, health and wellness opportunities for Iowans of all abilities. The ISF is comprised of the Iowa Games, Live Healthy Iowa, Adaptive Sports Iowa, Iowa Seniors Games and the Des Moines Corporate Games.

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Ryleigh Wilken high jumping at the Iowa Games
Joe Soderberg competing in billiards at the Iowa Games