Linda Relyea
Cisneros receives her bachelor’s degree from Adams State University
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Christina Cisneros, from Questa, N.M., graduated from Adams State University, Alamosa, Colo., during the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2023. Cisneros earned a Bachelor of Science in earth science: geology. Adams State awarded 265 degrees.
“I am the first in my family to earn a college degree. I am proud of myself for furthering my education and taking my future into my own hands. I am also proud of my cousin who is also graduating this semester. I feel very thankful, blessed, and excited.”
Cisneros appreciated the small class sizes at Adams State and the ability to receive help when needed. She developed relationships with her classmates. “My professors and the whole STEM community itself has been supportive.”
After finishing her Bachelor of Science, Cisneros will move back to northern New Mexico and look for jobs.
“My advisor (Chayan Lahiri, Ph.D.) helped me reach my goal of graduating a year early by supporting me and guiding me about which classes to take. My other professors have been awesome, they communicated well and were always willing to help.”
Throughout college, Cisneros received the Chevron Community Scholarship as well as private scholarships. She also received institutional scholarships. She held a few work-study jobs including the mailroom, the Adventure Program, and in the Edward Ryan Geology Museum as a docent. Cisneros had an internship for the Bureau of Land Management in Monte Vista, Colo., as a minerals program management assistant and was a reforestation science and monitoring intern. Off campus she worked at the local movie theater.
Jeff Gallegos, with financial aid, often helped Cisneros when she needed support. Her professors from her mentoring and leadership classes not only supported Cisneros, they taught her how to mentor others. “They allowed me to reflect on myself and helped me search for internships.”
Cisneros graduates after three years. She mentored younger STEM students and was featured in the Adams State College Tour show in 2022.
“Coming into college I was looking more to have fun and meet new people. Now that I am graduating, my classes are more difficult. I have learned better time management skills and how to prioritize. I have also learned how to manage my mental and physical health better. I have definitely matured and I am still learning and growing as a person. I have gained more confidence in what I am studying and have been introduced to professional job settings.”
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Christina Cisneros received her Bachelor of Science degree from Adams State University, Colo.