Linda Relyea
Fox received a BFA from Adams State
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Catalina Fox, from Canon City, Colo., graduated Magna Cum Laude from Adams State University, Alamosa, Colo., during the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2023. Fox earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography. Adams State awarded 265 degrees.
The Art Department provided an excellent academic environment for Fox to pursue their interest and explore their creative side.
After graduation, Fox will relocate to Colorado Springs and expand clientele through photography and creative skills. “My teachers, especially Margaret Doell, were always available to help me, whether it involved figuring out challenging conceptual ideas or revising my papers. My instructors all helped me develop and hone every one of my artistic skills. They assisted me in developing a style and ensuring that I was ready for the real world as an artist.”
Fox received a scholarship and worked in the ceramics area for work-study. Fox received money through financial aid to present her BFA exhibit exactly the way it was envisioned.
Fox graduates in three years. “I am fortunate to have an excellent father who not only paid for my college education but also unconditionally supported my artistic career, for which I am eternally grateful.”
Fox was involved in the League of The Arts for two years. “I came in knowing I liked photography and had a sufficient starting place, but I was still insecure about my abilities; now, I am a confident and secure artist, proud of my work and skills.”
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Catalina Fox’s artwork was on exhibit in the Adams State University Cloyde Snook Gallery as part of the senior show.