Linda Relyea
Caleb Raney is an outstanding graduate of Adams State
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Caleb Raney, Marana, Ariz., graduated from Adams State University, during the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2023. Raney earned a Bachelor of Science in kinesiology: exercise science.
“I feel very blessed to have chosen Adams State as it allowed me to pursue my baseball career at the collegiate level while also earning my bachelor’s degree at a great institution in an enjoyable environment. Adams has also given me the opportunity to meet some of the best people I know and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.”
Raney believes the professors and advisors always have their students’ best interests in mind, from deciding a major as a freshman to keeping him on track to graduate in four years. “My major professors have been extremely motivating and helpful to me by always being understanding of the busy schedule that comes with being a student athlete in addition to providing the best instruction possible in our course materials.”
During the summers and other breaks, Raney worked in the construction industry as a mason and his final semester worked at a local fitness center.
The financial aid staff made the process of applying for aid very manageable and they helped Raney with his financial aid package, including talking through options such as the Pell Grant and federal loans. It eased Raney’s mind to earn a degree without stressing about paying for college.
“I believe Adams State has allowed me to become more mature as a person and as a student. By providing a high-quality education, I have been pushed to work hard to do well in classes while also managing my time well between baseball and academics.”
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Caleb Raney graduated from Adams State University.