Linda Relyea
Duysen earns bachelor’s degree from Adams State University
ALAMOSA, CO. (June 15, 2023) – Allysen Duysen, from Pueblo, Colo., graduated from Adams State University, Alamosa, Colo., during the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2023. Duysen earned a Bachelor of Arts in music/performance. Adams State awarded 265 degrees.
“I am a first-generation college student, which is important to me as I am proof that you can prove statistics wrong. It is also important to me as I can be a role model to my siblings and show them that it is possible.”
Adams State allowed Duysen to learn in a smaller class environment with professors that cared about her health and success. “It also allowed me to make lifelong friends.”
Duysen will attend the University of New Mexico this fall to pursue a master’s in music/performance, to achieve her goals of having her own voice studio.
“My professors have constantly been my number one supporters here at Adams, and always checked in if I wasn’t doing as well academically or met with me to work on my own struggles in those classes. I wouldn’t be graduating this semester without them.”
Duysen received several music scholarships and worked as a music lab manager for three years. She also was a resident assistant for a year-and-a-half. “I was fortunate enough that my work-study supervisor was also a music professor so he already knew me when I was hired and helped me balance my school and work-study.”
Although Duysen is graduating with debt, it is a small amount “compared to the price of my degree, as well as the national average.” She graduated in four years, taking summer courses to stay on track.
Duysen spent all four years as an active member of Adams State Music Educators Society and went to the Colorado Music Educators Association conference three times. The club helped shape her as a professional, and she met and learned from so many other musicians.
“From my freshman to senior year my growth has been a wild ride, as any college student can agree from the circumstances. With COVID beginning my freshman year, I learned that I need to be flexible because life will throw anything your way. I also learned to grow and mature as a person, and learn more about myself and my passions in life. I can confidently say that Adams State has cultivated an environment to allow myself and its many students to discover who they are.”
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After earning her bachelor’s degree from Adams State University this spring, Allysen Duysen will pursue her master’s at UNM in the fall.