Linda Relyea
ALAMOSA, CO. (December 23, 2024) – The Adams State University Department of Sociology faculty recognizes Nicole Lamendola as an outstanding graduate from the fall 2024 class.
Lamendola, from Taos, N.M., received a Bachelor of Arts in sociology with a minor in psychology. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a member of the Alpha Kapp Delta and Psi Chi Club.
Lamendola chose Adams State to be close to home. With a variety of degree options and majors, and great student to faculty ratios, Adams State supported her professional goal to become an attorney.
“I intend to become a Title IX lawyer, or going into family law, providing support for the community.”
Lamendola said all her professors were supportive and she developed a close connection with Billy Ulibarri, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology. “Together, with another student, we created a sociology club. We organized two trips to visit prison systems and were active on campus. This is one of my proudest accomplishments. We have been very successful.” She was also a member of the psychology club.
Lamendola received many scholarships and completed an internship at Tu Casa, a local nonprofit. She worked off campus, creating many connections within the community.
Taking heavy course loads and completing college credits as a high school student, helped her graduat in two-and-a-half years with a small amount of student debt.
“I have grown a lot. I took charge of my education and contributed to clubs and organizations throughout campus. I was accepted into the honor society for both my major and my minor and have accomplished a lot over the years. My experience at Adams State confirmed my goals of going to law school, and the support that I have received has inspired me to keep going.”
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