Linda Relyea

ALAMOSA, CO. (January 8, 2024) – Andrew O’Keefe, Granite City, Ill., graduated Cum Laude from Adams State University, located in Alamosa, Colo, during the Fall 2023 Commencement Ceremony on December 16, 2023. O’Keefe earned a Bachelor of Science in geoscience: physical geography and conservation; and a minor in history.

“Living in Alamosa and all the people I have met as well as the things I have learned in the classroom have made life-changing impacts. I am inspired to be a lifelong learner and to hopefully share knowledge I have gained at Adams State by being a teacher someday.”

O’Keefe is planning on pursuing a master’s degree in education at Adams State and eventually teaching high school science and coaching cross country and/or track and field.

“My professors pushed me to complete quality work in the classroom. They also pushed me to apply for scholarships and get involved in work outside of the classroom that related to my degree.”

O’Keefe received athletic scholarships for track and field and cross country and was a Porter Scholar for most of his time at Adams State. He held a work-study job at the Nielsen Library circulation desk and was a geoscience intern working for Chayan Lahiri, Ph.D., assistant professor of earth sciences. In the summer of 2023, O’Keefe was a geology intern at the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.

“Everyone at Adams State from the professors to the staff, support students and help them with anything that is needed.”

O’Keefe has a small amount of student loan debt and graduated in 4.5 years. He is on the cross country and track and field teams and participates in Christian Challenge.

“My growth at Adams State from my freshman year to graduation has been immense. Coming to college I had to find my own identity and navigate through a whole new world. I learned how much work is necessary to balance school, athletics, and relationships. I also have learned to rely heavily on my faith in Jesus Christ and in all I do seek to follow and glorify God.”


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Granite City native, Andrew O’Keefe is an Adams State University Outstanding Graduate.